Training 40 Psychologists on 'Psychological Support Services for the Survivors of the GBV' Gender-Biased Violence

Exclusive... Sana'a

The FCDF in Sana'a organized a specialized training course on the basis of psychological support services for survivors of GBV today, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund.

The five-day course aims to train more than 40 psychologists from Sana'a and Aden Governorates to work on reducing and mitigating the psychological effects of survivors of violence.

Trainer Mohammed Amer (Psychologist) at the Foundation, said that the training course aims to provide psychologists new and emerging experiences in the field of violence, treatment, and psychological counseling, as well as exchanging experiences and information among them. Besides, the course aims to push them to work in the spirit of the team.

Speaking on the Foundation's website, the psychologist - Mohammed Amer - explained that the information and topics to be presented during the course will focus on the projects' objectives that the Foundation will implement, as the course will be purely practical.

He stressed that the course will include a focus on the Hotline counseling service and its relationship to GBV, on issues related to counseling and psychotherapy, and on dealing with victims of violence and trauma by giving them ways how to know the nature of trauma, how to deal with it, and how to provide the necessary interventions to treat them.

He pointed out that three days of the training period were allocated to focus on giving trainees how to manage and document information, how to exchange them among actors. It also focuses on raising awareness in the field of GBV through specialized experts.

Developing trainee skills

"The course will raise the skills of trainees in dealing with cases, as it will focus on the benefit of each trainee in his field of competence, so that for example the specialist in psychological guidance can understand the meaning of violence and how to deal with it, in addition to developing the skills of therapists and psychiatrists," Amer said.

He pointed out that what the trainees will gain during the course will be reflected in their awareness of the importance of referring some cases to other specialists, as well as their awareness of the importance and usefulness of the hotline and the commitment of psychiatrist to refer all cases to the hotline for follow-up or treatment.

On the other hand, Amer stressed that the qualification and training of psychologists in the Foundation will be continuous and will not be limited to this course, in order to refine the experiences and skills of the psychologists by providing them with updates and the latest developments, and keeping up with the newest in their field.