Dr. Bilqis Mohammed Jabari

Founder & President

About :

Since early in my life and the idea of helping my mind, I have been preoccupied with the issues of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and I watch the suffering of these individuals and the suffering they suffer from the forms of violence, neglect, injustice and psychological effects of such behaviors on them. I did not know how best to reach an active role in helping. I joined the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts at Sana'a University and I thought that by graduating from this field I would be able to offer psychological guidance and help to those, but it turned out that I had graduated with theoretical information lacking in application. On the contrary, my specialization carried me a heavy burden. Specialized in the field and began to come to me for their help and help and advise them. I was able to diagnose and understand others, and with a heightened sensitivity to their concerns and issues I was able to interact and empathize with them. It is true that these two aspects are at the heart of psychological counseling. However, I did not have the necessary skills to provide this kind of psychological assistance. I was appointed as a university lecturer and I continued my Masters and PhD studies at the same university looking for my suit but to no avail. I gained a lot of scientific and academic knowledge. However, I did not find the counseling and psychotherapy skills that enable me to provide specialized and successful assistance to others. My passion for science and the strength of motivation within me made me not only do my doctorate, which is the highest ceiling any aspiring Yemeni woman could aspire to. I applied for the American Fulbright Scholarship and successfully obtained it and joined the University of Taosen, Maryland, USA to study counseling and psychotherapy. I was already there when I needed him in the field of specialization. I excelled in my studies in this field. I was honored at the university and my first choice for this program in 2005. I was able to work there for one year in psychological therapy at the Klin Wood Counseling Center and gained more practical experience. I had a great opportunity to stay and continue to work in this center, which was managed by my administration to continue. But I was carrying them back to my country to help those in dire need of my special specialty and I was the only woman psychotherapy with a doctorate at the time. I returned to my dear homeland and I am equipped this time with all the tools of assistance and knowledge and skills of scientific and correct enthusiasm to work and provide assistance in this area. The date of my return coincided with the first steps of establishing the Educational and Psychological Counseling Center at Sana'a University. I joined him and was the Vice President of the Center and then the President of the Center, in addition to my work as a professor in the Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts University of Sana'a, and worked on the construction of the center and the development of the brick of Lebanon until it became what it is today. In addition to my administrative position, I was the oldest counselor and psychotherapist in the center's clinics, especially for students who were happy to have a female therapist. Through the work found that the need of the community is large and urgent and the counseling center is limited to students, members and staff of the university. The idea of establishing the Family Development and Guidance Foundation as a means of providing psychological guidance and assistance to all segments of society without discrimination. The Foundation for Family Development and Guidance was established on 8 January 2011 at a critical period in Yemen's political history, in which the wave of popular protests and violent economic and security imbalances escalated and many families were subjected to psychological and social trauma. The institution, under my direct supervision and leadership, has begun to play the humanitarian role it has long been playing. We have formed a team of the best and most experienced cadres in this field, and we have provided the treatment and counseling service at nominal prices and at times quite a few provided free of charge to every needy person reached us. Through the Foundation we also provided many services including training and rehabilitation for a small number of specialists in the field in various psychological facilities as well as a number of school specialists.

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Dr. Saifaddeen Almeeri

Head of Quality Unit